Cinquefoil (Potentilla reptans) is a perennial herb with five petals that grow in temperate climates. It is also known as the ‘herb of the four winds. Native Americans used it to treat various ailments, including coughs, colds, arthritis pain, bronchitis, and even cancer. The plant contains many essential nutrients like protein, vitamin C, and calcium.


Cinquefoil is known as the creeping cinquefoil, European Five Finger Grass, European cinquefoil, or creeping tormentil. Cinquefoil is a perennial plant of the Rosaceae family.


Cinquefoil (Potentilla reptans) is a perennial that is naturalized in all of the United States and Canada, except for Alaska. It grows in damp soils from Newfoundland to British Columbia.


Cinquefoil is a perennial that prefers moist soil. It grows in clumps, and its leaves are shaped like five-pointed stars with toothed edges. The flowers grow on top of the plant’s stems. They have five petals, each with three lobes or teeth at their tips (hence cinquefoil). When they mature into fruit, these look like clusters of small spheres. This makes them easy to spot among other foliage plants if you decide to use this for your garden landscape design ideas.

The plant produces cream-colored flowers with purple veins on pedicels up to 12 inches tall. Leaves are divided into five thick leaflets which fan out at their bases; they have deep furrows between their lobes and hairy margins when young before becoming more smooth later on. Flowers grow at the end of long stalks amid spiky bracts while blooming between April and June.

Part Used

The leaves, flowers, and roots are all used for medicinal purposes.


Cinquefoil (Potentilla Reptans)

Traditional Uses and Benefits

Cinquefoil has been used for centuries by Europeans as well as Native Americans and Asians. It is mentioned in old European herbals from the Middle Ages and was cited with Usnea (old man’s beard) among herbs given to cattle to cure disease.

Gastrointestinal Issues: Cinquefoil is used in Chinese herbal medicine to help relieve diarrhea, constipation, and stomach upset.

Skin Disorders: Cinquefoil has antibacterial properties, which can be useful for treating acne or fungal infections like athlete’s foot.

Wounds and injuries: The herb may also have anti-inflammatory effects that make it an effective treatment for wounds and injuries.

Fever/Infection: Infusions of the plant were once used by Native Americans as a remedy for fever. Modern research suggests these applications are not likely due to high levels of tannins with this species (which act on the liver). Make sure you consult your physician before use if you’re pregnant, breastfeeding, using medications.

Antibacterial/Anti-fungal Properties: Cinquefoil has been shown to have immune system boosting effects, including antibacterial activity against many bacteria strains in vitro. It’s possible that it could inhibit Candida albicans growth as well, but this needs further research.

Analgesic Properties: Cinquefoil is a potent analgesic and may help treat symptoms of arthritis, neuralgia, or the common cold.

Skin Health: Cinquefoil is traditionally used as a remedy for dermatitis in Europe. It may be beneficial to people suffering from eczema, acne, and other skin conditions.

Cancer Treatment: In lab studies on mice with lymphoma cancer cells implanted into their bodies, oral doses of quercetin combined


Dosage and Precautions

Cinquefoil (Potentilla Reptans), a potent herb, can be taken in doses of up to 500 milligrams three times daily. Side effects may include upset stomach and diarrhea. Cinquefoil should not be used by children or during pregnancy and breastfeeding without consulting with your physician. CINQUEFOIL is also not recommended for people with gallstones because it promotes bile production, which might cause the pain associated with the condition.



  1. 7 Interesting Benefits of Potentilla Reptans | Organic Facts.
  3. POTENTILLA: Uses and Benefits – Freak of Natural.
  4. Herbs-Treat and Taste: CINQUEFOIL- PROTECTIVE PLANT ….