A wise person knows about many things. An unwise person knows a few things. Have you ever wonder why a wise person knows and learns many things? The reasoning goes simple – they have a strong memory to remember, are smart enough to understand, know how to adopt new things.  

Unfortunately, most people have cognitive problems, such as recalling a person’s name or misplacing their personal belongings. This can be a sign of overworking and anxiousness. On the other side, possessing a memory problem is a big challenge.

Memory failure is caused by various reasons, including genetics, age, and medical disorders that impact the brain. Poor nutrition and lifestyle can also cause memory loss. Although not all cognitive impairment can be avoided, individuals can take steps to protect their brains from memory loss as they become old.

Talk about the present; most of us take our memory for granted and pay less attention to the things to improve our memory. This is self-devastating. I will repeat – this is self-devastation.

If you are a person who is after strong memory and seeks to learn about the most effective tips to improve memory, this blog is for you.


Tips To Improve Your Memory

improve your memory

Following are several important tips to improve your memory:

1. Pay attention to the information

One of the most important tips to sharp your memory is to improve your focus and attention span. Getting rid of disturbances can be difficult, mainly if you live with overexcited roommates or super-naughty children. However, it would help if you maintain an environment free of disturbances. You must consciously listen to details for them to pass from your short-term memory into your long-term memory.

2. Stay away from cramming

Regularly studying will help you improve your cognitive skills. You need to get the time to interpret knowledge by studying materials over many sessions properly.

3. Learn to organize things

Structure and organize the content you’re studying. You can take advantage of the things when they are well-organized. To help you organize different ideas, try grouping common concepts and words together or making an overview of your notes and textbook readings.

4. Create a detailed plan and practice it

Go through the content over and again to help you remember it better. Encrypt what you are learning into long-term memory to remember facts. The “elaborative rehearsal” refers to one of the most effective encoding methods.

5.      Read the meaning of a keyword

Reading the meaning of a keyword, studying the context of that phrase, and then reading a more comprehensive explanation of what that term implies is an illustration of this technique. You’ll also find that repossessing the information is much simpler after doing this process a few times.

6.      Make concepts visible

Visualization will help you remember things fast and better. Many people find that visualizing anything they are studying is highly beneficial. In your textbooks, pay close attention to the photographs, maps, and other visuals. Try making your visual prompts if you don’t have any.

7.      Read aloud

Boost your memory by reading how you do it. According to research, reading materials aloud increases the memory of the content significantly. Educational researchers have discovered that assisting students in teaching new concepts toward others enhances understanding and retention.


8.      Change up the routine

To better recall, make a change in your daily routine. Changing your schedule regularly is another perfect way to improve your memory. If you’re used to studying books in one location, consider switching it up during your next study session. If you research in the evenings, spend a few minutes each morning going through what you learned the night before.

9.      Make an effort to comprehend things

Try to memorize the things around you and see how it makes sense to you. If you don’t understand something, spend some time getting to know it before memorizing it.

10. Link the stuff you’re trying to remember and what you already learned. It has to be linked.

The connection between the two is essential. Always remember that the information unrelated to other definitions is more difficult to recall than material.

11. Consider it for the next few days.

When you sleep, your brain processes and saves knowledge, as per researches. Try reviewing facts right before going to sleep. You do not need to spend hours and hours studying or learning the stuff. A few minutes of reviewing are more than enough. You will see it makes you remember it.

12. Check your skills and abilities.

Self-check is important. What do you think about your cognitive skills? What are your strengths and weaknesses? Now and again, take a quiz on yourself and learn about yourself.

Consciously remember the things you’re seeking to learn. Do not merely reread notes or a textbook; instead, deliberately quiz yourself. Don’t quiz yourself right after attempting to remember anything. Wait for two or three hours, or maybe a day or two, to see if it has deep-rooted in your mind.

13. Make the most of the distributive techniques

Two factors must happen for an idea to pass from your temporary working memory to your long-term memory. The concept must be unforgettable and replicated. A repetition is a powerful tool for enforcing facts through your mind.

14. Make a list of everything that comes to your mind

There is a strong link between our hands and our brains. When we write something, we ask our subconscious mind to absorb that idea. Interestingly, writing helps us more fully encode knowledge that we are attempting to remember. For example, students are advised to take the notes by hand or write and reorganize notes or facts afterward.

15. Make use of mnemonics to help remember what you’re learning.

Mnemonics are memory aids. They use systems and tricks to help you memorize complex and straightforward content. For example, the first letter of each word in a sentence is always the capital letter that must be memorized. This is a natural occurrence.

16. Speak to yourself

It is best to speak to yourself. It may sound weird in the start, but talking to yourself about the content you’re attempting to remember will help you remember it better. Instead of merely highlighting or rereading details, try saying it out loud. Do not hesitate.

17. Exercise regularly

It comes with no wonder that exercise will help boost our memory and learning capacities. Working out every day helps stimulate the growth of neurons in memory-related regions. Both cardio and strength exercise (weights) are proven to help with strong results in your memory. Choose the one that better suits your capacities.

18. Interleaving is an excellent skill to have

The theory behind interleaving is to combine or alternate abilities or ideas that you want to hark back to. For example, if you are a student, spend some time memorizing vocabulary terms for your lesson and learning past dates and titles for another class. After that, practice a few math problems before returning to the scientific definitions.

19. Make the most of visual memories

Visual memories stick on your mind for years and years. Have a memorable graphic picture to reflect a vital object the next time you need to recall anything important. Images are important when they attach directly to the visuospatial centers of the brain. Visual content assists you with remembering complex things. Besides visualizing a picture, try smelling, feeling, and hearing it.

20. Use the memory palace technique

The memory palace method is a technique for memorizing information. This method entails visualizing a recognizable location—such as your house or dorm room—and utilizing it as a conceptual space to store concept images that you want to recall. This strategy may aid in the recall of random products. To use the memory palace approach, envision your environment (house or dorm room) and then picture things from your shopping list in various locations in the environment.

21. Listen to jingles and songs

Jingles and songs are some of the most well-known commercials in the world. Like the memory palace and pictures, songs or jingles depend on the brain’s right hemisphere to recall complex information such as calculations and lists. There are many songs about stuff like the quadratic theorem— search what you’re trying to recall to see anyone has written a song about it.

22. Use your five senses

The five senses are divided into five categories. When learning, using as much of your five senses as possible makes you utilize more areas of your brain and remember more detail. Pick up the anatomy templates, feel each part, and tell the parts’ names out loud if you’re preparing for an anatomy test, for example.

23. Use visual metaphors or analogies

Visual metaphors or analogies are both entertaining and informative. They help improve your memory and overall cognitive skills. This will assist you in remembering and comprehending concepts, especially in math and science. A metaphor is a means of recognizing that one thing is analogous to another in any way. Metaphors, especially visual metaphors, will last in your mind for a long time. They aid in the consolidation of concepts in your mind by forming associations with existing neuronal systems.

24. Create a schedule.

Don’t spend resources attempting to remember where you place your keys or open up your memory to remember fresh and interesting stuff. It’s simpler to locate items if you put them in the same spot every time. Having a pattern may be beneficial for memory. Routines allow us to be more efficient by reducing the amount of time we spend thinking about repetitive aspects of our day. Time and cognitive capacity are freed up for more important tasks in our lives as we are more efficient in our daily activities.

25. Make use of your intellect.

If you have to position stuff in an unknown place, state out loud what you’re doing: “I’m placing my sunglasses on the table next to the entrance.” Alternatively, say someone’s name out loud as you see them for the first time. This is one of the recall tests that has been scientifically established to hold the mind sharp.

26. Avoid multitasking.

When our focus is divided, it’s understandable that we forget stuff. You will get more context, gain intelligence, and create brain networks if you avoid multitasking.

27. Consider meditation.

Starting to meditate is one way to sharpen your concentration and improve your memory. According to research, meditation alters the shape of the brain by thickening regions correlated with engagement.

28. Organize each and everything.

Using external aids to organize knowledge will free up the working memory. Make a mental record of these ideas when they’re all new in the mind—planning allows your working memory to focus on the things at hand rather than on what has to be completed afterward.

29. Get outside to enjoy the scenery.

Rolling in nature will help ease nervous and disruptive feelings that wreak havoc on memory while also giving the brain a break from multitasking to do better afterward. People who go for a walk in the woods perform better than those who go for a walk in the city.

30. Consume less sugar-sweetened beverages.

Excessive use of added sugar has been attributed to various health problems and medical illnesses, such as memory loss. Sugar consumption results in memory problems and decreased cognitive ability, especially in the brain region that retains a short attention span. According to research, individuals who engage in sports daily are more likely to be effective. Those who eat a ton of artificial sugar may have worse memory and have smaller brain volumes. Those who eat less sugar have a lower risk of developing type 2 diabetes.

31. Take a fish oil supplement

If you’re searching for a natural way to improve your memory, consume a fish oil supplement. Many studies have shown that eating fish and taking fish oil supplements will help people remember things better, particularly when they get older. Both DHA and EPA are essential for brain health and reduce inflammation in the body. Particularly in older people, working and episodic memory are important.

32. Keep a healthy body weight

Obesity is a contributing factor to neurological impairment. Keeping your BMI in the normal range will help you live a healthier lifestyle. Put a stop to a slew of problems linked to obesity. This includes the deterioration of memory. Keeping a good body mass is essential for overall health and is one of the most effective ways to maintain both the mind and body in top shape.

33. Practice mindfulness

Mindfulness is a psychological condition in which you establish knowledge and understanding of your surroundings and feelings while focusing on the present situation. Mindfulness has been proven to reduce stress while also improving learning and concentration in studies. Pay great attention to your current circumstance, concentrate on your breathing, and softly refocus your attention anytime your mind wanders by incorporating mindfulness exercises into your everyday routine.

34. Use elaborate tests

The knowledge we process is more profound into long-term memory. This is called the processing stage. If we choose anything to recall, we can look at it more closely and compare it to other information and experiences to make it more relevant.

35. Apply the self-reference effect

It will be much more helpful to have the materials relevant for you when you move into the elaborate rehearsal phase. Put in simple words, use the effect of self-reference and write notes. Write document meanings and edit them with your language.

36. Don’t ignore the forgetting curve

The knowledge you absorb falls as quickly as you remember. Even if you think you know the subject just before the exam, learn it again to maximize the probability that the knowledge will stay in your mind. Overlearning may help avoid deterioration of storage.

37. Continue to move

You know that exercising is essential for health, but did you already know that it’s good for your mind? Aerobic activity stimulates neurogenesis: developing fresh hippocampal brain cells that play an essential role in memory and learning.

38. Reduce your alcohol consumption

Consuming too much alcoholic beverages can be harmful to your health in various ways, including affecting your memory. The brain is affected by alcohol that is neurotoxic. Binge drinking regularly will damage the hippocampus, a part of the brain that is important for memory. Drinking now and then is fine, overconsumption is not safe. Therefore, limiting your alcohol consumption is a smart way to protect your memory.

39. Improve your cognitive skills

Playing brain games improves your memory in a positive and valuable way and enhances your cognitive abilities. Crossword puzzles, word-recall challenges, and brain-training smartphone applications are good ways to improve performance. Brain-training games can benefit older adults reduce their likelihood of dementia. Brain-challenging games can aid you in your quest. Your memory will be strengthened, and you may even be able to reduce your chances of developing dementia.

40. Reduce the intake of refined carbohydrates

Large quantities of refined carbohydrates, such as cakes, cereal, cookies, white rice, and white bread, may be detrimental to your memory. These foods carry a high glycemic index, and they are easily digested by the liver, increasing blood sugar levels. Dementia, cognitive decline, and reduced cognitive function have all been linked to a Western diet high in refined carbohydrates.

41. Increase caffeine consumption

Caffeine in coffee or green tea can help with memory.  Coffee and green tea consumption during a memory task improves our brain’s preserved memories over time. Caffeine improves memory in the short term. Young adults who take caffeine first thing in the morning have better short-term memory.

42. Consume bittersweet chocolate

Dark chocolate can sound like a treat, but it may also help a person’s memory. Cocoa flavonoids are the active compounds in chocolate that can aid brain activity. On visual memory measures, people who consumed dark chocolate scored higher than those who did not. Cocoa flavonoids increase blood supply to the brain, according to the researchers.

Importance of Strong Memory

improve your memory

Our mind is connected with intricate synaptic links to our brain. These connecting links can store billions of pieces of information. The capacity of our mind to organize and remember previous events allows us to understand new things and come up with new thoughts.

Our thought processes serve as a potential contributor to more remarkable milestones while still serving as directions and guardians from damage. We would be spared the pain of committing previous errors if our memory fits us well in this regard.

Weak memory is often due to a lack of focus or concentration, poor communication ability, and other innate destructive behaviors, whether we have a disease or handicap; nevertheless, it may be honed and improved with the correct techniques. Many people feel that when they grow older, their mind deteriorates. This is just applicable for people who do not make actual use of their brains.

Memory is similar to a muscle

Memory is similar to a muscle – the longer you use it, the better it becomes. The more it is overlooked, the worse it can get. This explains why elderly adults have a more challenging time recalling things than their younger counterparts.

Individuals who are elderly, on the other hand, can solve this problem and develop their memory even further by pursuing their schooling, refining their brains, being accessible to fresh experiences, and using their creativity. Remember – many individuals develop in different ways. People’s learning styles also influence the topics they study, the teachers with whom they interact, and the professions they choose.

Don’’t worry about losing or screwing up vital information if you have a vivid recollection, and you’ll be able to conquer mental obstacles that prevent you from having success in your work, romantic life, and private affairs. Anyone who has a strong memory knows how vital that is. We live in a fast, knowledge-dependent world where the ability to remember people, addresses, details, data, times, incidents, situations, and other information about daily life is the test of our ability to get things done.

Memorizing or retrieval information is accomplished in our brain by combining pictures, noises, taste, scent, and feeling (touch) in a highly ordered and meaningful manner. It would be beneficial if you thought about points and suggestions for strengthening your memory to improve your memory ability in different activities. This will improve the efficiency and sharpness of the retention strategies.


What is memory?

Memory is a process employed to collect, save, maintain, and subsequently retrieve simple and complex information. That is, the processing of knowledge overtimes for the intention of shaping potential behavior.

How are memories formed?

Memories are formed when specific groupings of neurons are stimulated. In the nervous system, any input leads in a certain rhythm of brain activity neurons remain activated in somewhat a particular order

How to organize memory? 

Take this into consideration while you’re concentrating on memory enhancement. Bring the full strength of your great imagination by realistically visualizing scenarios that may or may not happen throughout all unique and intriguing craziness—the more absurd the visual, and the crazier the situation, the more vital. You don’t readily recall mundane stuff, so make sure you concentrate on the bizarre and amazing!

What are different types of memories?

Types of memory include short-term memory, long-term memory, working memory, sensory memory, Implicit, explicit, episodic, semantic, declarative, procedural, etc.

Is it possible to improve your memory?

Proven strategies to improve memories include following a balanced lifestyle, walking daily, not drinking alcohol, and maintaining blood sugar levels, glucose, and cholesterol levels in control. Living a psychologically exciting life is necessary also. Much like muscles get better with usage, mental exercise helps maintain cognitive skills and memories in tune.

What exercises improve your memory?

Exercise might assist you in getting beyond cognitive tiredness and evening slumps. Even just a brief stroll or a few strength exercises might be enough to refresh your mind.


  1. https://www.healthline.com/nutrition/ways-to-improve-memory
  2. https://www.verywellmind.com/great-ways-to-improve-your-memory-2795356
  3. https://www.health.harvard.edu/topics/memory
  4. https://www.bbc.com/future/article/20180208-an-effortless-way-to-strengthen-your-memory