Augmented reality is actually a technology that projects computer-generated augmentations on top of reality—helping us perform tasks better and efficiently.

AR falls in between reality and virtual reality. It is used to render real-world data and present it intuitively so that virtual elements resemble the present reality. The revolution doesn’t stop here. Have you ever tried to catch Pokemon using Pokemon go or fit any furniture using the IKEA app? These are made possible by the technology called augmented reality.

AR has seen raging in popularity over the past few years, and the revolution is not stopping anytime soon. AR gives brands the power to provide their customers with unique experiences that can prove to be the difference between purchase and dropout. Let’s have a quick look at the history of AR.

You might think AR is new technology. Well, on the contrary, it has been around for numerous decades. Ivan Sutherland developed the first air gadget called SWAT of Damocles in 1968. This system used computer graphics to show users simple wireframe drawings. From Pokemon go to training future surgeons, AR is starting to infiltrate many industries of our society today. But what exactly is AR?

Let’s look at the most popular AR applications. First, we have location-based AR apps like Google Maps that place digital directions on top of the real world and show you where to walk.

Next, we have Google lenses. It is another application that enhances the search experience. With Google Lens, you don’t have to type your query anymore. just open the app and focus on what you want to learn about. Google lens will identify the object and give you all the essential details about it. Then we have the Snapchat filters. These are some of the best examples of AR, and as you know, Snapchat has become a trend among the younger generations.

Did you know that Mysterio couldn’t have fooled spider-man without his CR technology? But thanks to his spider-sense. Spidey dodged all the drones, destroyed them all, and gave us a good ending. Even Facebook has plans to build our glasses to create 3d maps of the world. If you are still skeptical about AR, check out what Mark Zuckerberg has to speak about AR.


  2. 3 Benefits of Using Augmented Reality in Retail.


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