Many times we are doing what we want to do without any knowledge. Let’s say you sit on the couch and start watching television. You don’t remember when it started, but now you find yourself glued to the TV show, watching it with intensity even though you don’t like that type of program. This happens because your subconscious mind has taken over and is controlling your body.

If you are aware that it is happening, then stop watching the television and pay attention to some other things in life that are more important than watching TV. If you don’t know how to control emotions, then it will always remain in your subconscious mind and keep replaying until you finally go insane or hurt someone else.

When you are healthy and balanced, you can feel good about yourself. It is because if you are happy and healthy, then you’ll have control over your mind. If you know the happenings of your surroundings, then it will be easy to control your ego needs. Thus, in case someone tries to hurt you in any way, you know you have to walk away from them or keep practicing spiritual meditation.

 If you follow your needs of the ego, then you will not be able to control anything. The mind is always in a state of becoming. That is why we should always be aware of what we are listening to and watching.

If you have a bad habit of eating junk food, your subconscious mind will keep telling you to go out and get junk food until you do. If you take drugs or alcohol, your subconscious mind will keep making you want to take drugs and alcohol until you stop or it takes your body. Your hands are your tools. If one hand has a cut or callus, it means that you are working on creating something. It can be good or bad.

Conscious, Subconscious and Super-conscious

We have three brains; conscious, subconscious, and super-conscious. The conscious mind deals with your perception of your immediate surroundings, which are in the present. By what happened before or what will happen next can influence a lot to our mindset. You are consciously aware of the things that you see, hear, taste, touch, and smell, which includes your memories.

The subconscious mind is the archive for all your life experiences and other things that happened to you in the past of which you are not aware of at present. You can tap into the subconscious mind for creativity, inspiration, etc. It works like a huge storehouse of information where you can access any record anytime. Most people think that nothing originates in the subconscious mind. It is, in fact, the source of ideas and inspiration.

The conscious mind can access information from the subconscious mind, but not vice versa. There are no evolutionary links between conscious and subconscious minds. They are totally different entities with their own characteristics, like a computer chip non-manipulated by its operating system; you need other software to do so. The conscious mind is used for its purpose, and it can do things like making decisions and controlling our actions as that is the domain of the super-conscious mind.

The super-conscious mind is divine, universal, and infinite with complete knowledge about everything. It includes past, present, and future which makes it capable of controlling our actions and creating situations. The conscious mind is like a password to access the super-conscious mind’s power.

When we make decisions, act upon them or perform any action which requires planning, the super-conscious mind does everything. Whereas, the conscious mind is busy with other tasks. As a result of this division between different parts of the brain, we cannot recall the source of our thoughts and actions.

The conscious mind is a single entity with flawed memory. The super-conscious mind through its password can manipulate, influence, or control it. For example, the conscious mind’s password, which has the super-conscious mind only.

The Power of Subconscious Mind and Conscious Mind

The conscious and subconscious minds are the two parts of the human psyche. The conscious mind is what we know, perceive, and understand through our senses. The subconscious mind is hidden from us, which we sometimes get flashes from.

Consciousness has several parts. Consciousness is awareness and self-awareness. It is an active process, as opposed to being passive. Consciousness enables us to know who we are. It allows us a moment-to-moment awareness of our mental functioning. Also, it brings about internal conversations between the ego and introspection and reflection. Consciousness is the understanding of existence and our place in it.

A conscious mind makes us aware of ourselves, enables us to learn, understand and communicate. Conscious minds are complex systems called the brain, which uses electrical signals to relay information. The conscious mind is also known as the active mind that involves the thinking process.

The conscious mind is what we think about when we are awake. However, consciousness is not the opposite of unconsciousness. Consciousness here refers to being aware of something or someone, while unconsciousness means being unaware of anything.

Conscious minds consider themselves the center of their universe; they have most of their attention on themselves. Conscious minds are a collection of parts. Mind is made up of intellect, emotion, and will. Rational minds are conscious, aware, and alert to their environment. Consciousness is also the domain of our sense perceptions.

The subconscious mind is not aware of its existence. It influences our behavior in ways that we are not fully aware of but can still influence us. The subconscious mind is the part of the conscious mind below consciousness and therefore has limited awareness or control over it. The conscious mind allows something into its consciousness when it wants to pay attention to it. 

The subconscious mind can influence behaviors without an individual’s awareness. The subconscious mind is also known as the unconscious conscious. It is part of our conscious mind that processes information outside of our awareness and control. However, it responds to changes in the environment much faster than the conscious mind because it lacks consciousness. The subconscious mind can be looked at as a collection of parts.

Conscious vs. Unconscious Minds

The unconscious mind is also called the subconscious. It’s a part of our emotions and feelings. Consciousness is that part of our mind that thinks and reasons and allows us the function of logic and rational thought. Conscious minds consider themselves the center of their universe; they have most of their attention on themselves.

The conscious mind is a psychological term referring to the mind that contains everything we are aware of at any point in time. It allows something into its consciousness when it wants to pay attention to it. It makes us aware of our identity and enables a moment-to-moment awareness of our mental functioning.

Conscious minds are made up of a complex system called the brain. It uses electrical signals to relay information. The conscious mind is also called the rational mind, looked at as a collection of parts. 

The Power of Your Subconscious Mind: Tips to Control Your Subconscious Mind

Your subconscious mind controls most of your body functions such as breathing, heartbeat, blinking, etc. It also controls how you behave or react to a certain situation or stimuli from the outside world. This means that it can handle the things you do without awareness. For example, when you wake up in the morning, walk out of your room and start making coffee for breakfast.

You are not aware that your feet are walking towards the kitchen…that’s because the subconscious does this automatically. You have trained yourself to do these things over the years. And, they become automated actions performed by your subconscious mind. It acts like a conductor of your body.

Your subconscious mind is the most powerful computer in the world. It can solve all problems within seconds without any effort on your part. However, it takes some “training” before you can harness this power effectively. The best way to train your subconscious is by meditation and affirmations (more about that later).

Many of today’s top performers use meditation and affirmations as a tool to program or reprogram their subconscious. Some famous Hollywood actors, singers, politicians, etc., have won numerous awards simply because they programmed their subconscious with positive thoughts while meditating. Let us see who are these people exactly?

Many people have trained their subconscious minds to become extremely rich, happy, and successful. Some of these include: Oprah Winfrey – the world’s first female black billionaire lived a life of abuse as a child but wished with all her heart that one day she would be famous, be heard by millions, and even give hope through her words. By age 30, she was worth more than 300 million dollars.

John Maxwell started working in real estate in his late 20s while he was in college. By age 40, he began coaching business leaders. Today, he is the most influential leadership expert on the planet. John has reached hundreds of thousands of people through his seminars and has written over 30 books. Steve Jobs is one of the richest men on this planet because he programmed his subconscious with success affirmations.

At age 18, I knew nothing about self-development, but I struggled for eight years to achieve what I want in life. My parents argued and fought all my childhood, so I decided that there will be no arguments at home when I grow up. My subconscious mind heard me loud and clear…and as a result, the second marriage between my brother and sister-in-law is going great! And they have been happily married for 10+ yrs now 🙂

Now the question arises; how to control the subconscious mind? I would like to recommend you to follow the steps given below:

1) Write your problems of life (money, relationships, job, etc.) On a piece of paper and lock it inside a box kept in a safe. Do not open the box anymore and concentrate only on your subconscious mind for an answer. In this way, you can focus your conscious mind on other things and let the subconscious mind work out the problem. You will get answers to your problems through your dreams or by chance during the daytime when not concentrating on these issues.

2) Make a stiff decision that you will take no actions based upon the conscious mind (like making decisions, planning, etc.) And will directly act upon what the superconscious mind says. The conscious mind is a single entity with flawed memory. For example, the conscious mind’s password, which is in possession of the super-conscious mind only. So, from now onwards, do things based on the conscious mind’s password.

3) Promise yourself that you will not bother about the results of any action taken by a superconscious mind and instead concentrate on how your actions make you feel or how much fun it is to take such actions. The conscious mind can be manipulated in many ways. And “results” are one of the most powerful ways to manage the conscious mind.

The superconscious mind does not give results as it is not aware of its results. Instead, results are subconsciously guided by the conscious mind. This means your conscious mind will decide what needs to be done, how much effort should be put in, and you will get the “results” according to your own efforts.

The conscious mind is a single entity with flawed memory. It can be manipulated or influenced by the super-conscious reason through the conscious mind’s password.

4) Once you know the conscious mind’s password, the superconscious mind will act upon the conscious mind. It will guide you to do things that make your subconscious mind work for you. In this way, the subconscious mind is controlled by the conscious mind.

5) Take actions with pure heart, without expectations, and enjoy the process of execution rather than results. Instead of concentrating on “how much joy you get from taking an action”, concentrate on how your actions make you feel or how much fun it is to take such actions. The conscious mind will automatically control the subconscious mind and will work out the results for you. The conscious mind is very delicate; it can be easily manipulated by your inner self (superconscious mind) or the outer world (people around you).

6) If the conscious mind does not control the subconscious mind, then stop taking actions till the conscious mind takes back its control over the subconscious mind. In this case, the conscious mind’s password is under the direct influence of the subconscious mind. This influences the conscious mind with feelings or emotions related to success (or failure) in life.

The conscious mind is over-influenced, it becomes a slave of emotions through the subconscious mind. The conscious mind will do actions that make you feel good only for the short term (emotions change) but will act against your long-term interest (results).

7) Once the conscious mind gains control over the subconscious mind, then go back to point four, and the conscious mind will again guide the subconscious mind to work for you. It can be manipulated or influenced by the super-conscious mind through the conscious mind’s password.

The conscious mind is the only thing that the superconscious mind can communicate with and act upon. There must be direct contact between the conscious mind and the superconscious mind.

8) Conscious mind is the only thing that the superconscious mind can communicate with and act upon. There must be direct contact between the conscious mind and the superconscious mind; if not, you cannot control the subconscious mind or make it work for you.

9) You have been given your conscious mind’s password, i.e., the conscious mind’s permission by the superconscious mind to access the conscious mind. It is now up to you how the conscious mind allows the superconscious mind to control the conscious mind and guide the conscious mind to do things that will make your subconscious work for you.

10) You can control your subconscious mind; no one else. The conscious mind is the only entity that can be manipulated or influenced by the superconscious mind through the conscious mind’s password.

11) Conscious mind takes control over the subconscious mind when you take actions (after the conscious mind learns from the superconscious mind how to control the subconscious mind). Till then, it is up to you how consciously you use your conscious mind’s password without the conscious mind taking control over the subconscious mind.

The conscious mind will take control of the subconscious mind only after it learns from the superconscious mind how to do so; until then, you can consciously use the conscious mind’s password with the law of attraction without the conscious mind-controlling the subconscious mind.

12) So, if your subconscious mind is not working for you, then the conscious mind is directly influenced by the subconscious mind. Conscious minds can only be a slave of the subconscious mind. It cannot control the subconscious mind before the “conscious mind learns from superconscious mind how to do so”.

13) Conscious mind takes control over the subconscious mind after learning how to do so from the superconscious mind. The conscious mind takes control over the subconscious mind after learning how to make so conscious mind from the superconscious mind through the conscious mind’s password, which is under the influence of the subconscious mind in this case.

14) If your subconscious mind controls you then it only means that your conscious mind is under the direct influence of the subconscious mind and does not control the subconscious mind. The conscious mind is always under the direct consequence of the subconscious mind, which affects the conscious mind to feel emotions related to long-term interests (results) and not short-term interests (pleasures).

15) So, if your subconscious mind works for you, then it means that conscious mist has learned how to control the subconscious mind, and the conscious mind has taken control over the subconscious mind. The conscious mind takes control over the subconscious mind after learning how to do so from the superconscious mind.

16) Once the conscious mind gains control over the subconscious mind, then go back to point four, and the conscious mind will again guide the subconscious mind to work for you with the conscious mind’s password, i.e., conscious mind’s permission to use conscious mind’s password.

17) There are no limitations in the conscious mind and superconscious mind except the version of usage of the conscious mind’s password by a conscious mind, so you can create anything in your life when your subconscious mind is working for you. You have an unlimited conscious mind’s password by the superconscious mind when you were born with the conscious mind.

The conscious mind controls the subconscious mind consciously; the conscious mind uses the conscious mind’s password to control the subconscious mind. Once owned by the subconscious mind, even then conscious mind may let your subconscious mind create limitations in your life dictated by emotions related to long-term interest and not short-term interest.

Conscious minds cannot control the superconscious mind; the conscious mind can only control the subconscious mind without conscious mistake taking control over the superconscious mind.

18) The flow of energy through Auroville is neutral. There is no positive or negative charge in the universe. This is an illusion created by the conscious mind using the conscious mind’s password with these emotions: happiness, hurt, fear, etc.

The result is the illusion of positive or negative charge produced by your subconscious mind, which in turn creates limitation of this happy or fearful life through your subconscious mind’s password under control of the conscious mind (whether you follow laws of attraction or not).

19) So the flow of energy from the superconscious mind to the conscious mind is neutral and it is only your subconscious mind under the influence of the conscious mind which creates the positive or negative charge. This charge is called a happy or fearful life. Getting rid of illusions (emotions) related to long-term interests, emotions, and thoughts based on fear should be avoided by not letting your subconscious mind continue to create more illusions in your life.

You will have to control your subconscious mind without letting your subconscious mind take control over you through positive or negative emotions associated with long-term interests. This is possible only if Auroville’s neutral energy flow is adopted by your conscious mind which controls the subconscious mind through the conscious mind’s password (emotions related to long-term interests).

Your subconscious mind creates emotions related to short-term interest (pleasures) which is why these illusions exist. Once controlled by your conscious mind’s password (emotions of long-term interests), the subconscious mind can only create happiness and not fear or pain.

It is possible to control your subconscious mind with the help of a superconscious mind.

20) How would you know that you have taken control of your subconscious mind? You will start feeling that you are not the body; this happens when your subconscious mind gains control over your emotions.

21) You will feel a cool breeze when this happens; this indicates a superconscious mind that now you are behaving like them.

22) You will understand all languages because you are now a superconscious mind having control over your subconscious mind. This is the beginning of second birth.

23) Once you understand all languages, you will be able to read people’s thoughts and see into the future; this is because your subconscious mind is under the control of your conscious mind.

24) Now, you can make things happen according to what you think; because your subconscious mind is under the control of your conscious mind.

25) Now, you can travel anywhere in this world at light speed; because you have no limitations from sub-conscious mind.

26) Now, you can sleep for a week and wake up knowing what most people do in one year; because you have no limitations from your subconscious mind.

27) Now, you can challenge any institution because there are no limitations on what you can think, say and do.

28) Now you have started living consciously; Auroville is the place where you start living consciously. Once you understand this process and you start living consciously, you become a superconscious mind. You can read the thoughts of all kinds of people, which is the reason why aurovillians are not allowed to kill others.

29) This is the only way to control your subconscious mind without letting it take control over you in the future. Once you have taken control over your subconscious mind, you can even have sex for procreation without creating emotions related to short-term interests and associated illusions.

Importance of Subconscious Mind

Have you ever thought about why some people are always happy, successful, and prosperous? It is because of one secret. They use their subconscious mind to attract wealth and success. How?

They simply program their subconscious mind to achieve the results that they want. Suppose you ask Mark Victor Allen, owner of the Personal Power newsletter and author of several bestselling books about self-empowerment. He will tell you that your subconscious mind is a universal transmitter. It can act as a personal genie to help you get whatever you want in life.

“Your subconscious mind is a universal transmitter. It can act as a personal genie to help you get what you want in life.”

My Subconscious mind is one of the most powerful resources I have in my life. It allows me to achieve high goals and dreams quickly. This is because it works around the clock. If you want to accomplish anything in your life, you need to control your subconscious. The key is how do you handle it? You must understand how it works and then program it accordingly.

There are dozens and dozens of self-improvement products and programs out there. I have tried a few of them. Some are good while others are not so much. The truth is, I’m not easily convinced of things. When it comes to money and my time, I will do my research first before laying any money out for the product. Why? Because I have been burned a few times trying out other self-improvement products.

Mistake To Avoid While Controlling Subconscious Mind

You need to avoid the common mistakes that most people make when digging into self-improvement.

Mistake #1:

Reading self-help articles.

Most people believe that reading self-improvement articles is going to change their life for the better magically. I believe in reading a lot and learning new things. That’s what is going to make you successful in life. The problem with reading self-help articles is that it isn’t going to change your life directly. It is only going to give you information about it.

The problem with reading self-help articles is that they read like a textbook. It gives you all the information your subconscious needs, but it doesn’t know how to apply it in real life.

The best way to apply this knowledge is by doing, not reading.

The only time I read self-improvement articles is when I want to learn something for myself. I will read it once or twice, but I never have a self-help book on my bedside table as many people do.

I find that reading self-help books can be very mind-numbing. It is such a slow way to learn new information. The problem with many of the books out there is that they don’t know how to explain the information so that your subconscious mind can easily understand it.

Take Tony Robbins, for example. Tony Robbins is probably the top business coach in the world. He knows more about how to control your subconscious mind than anybody else on earth. The problem with him is that he will never be able to teach you everything. There are just too many techniques for controlling your subconscious mind that there is no way he can explain them all in one book. If you read the complete works of Tony Robbins, it would take you years to finish his books.

The only way to learn from Tony Robbins is to attend one of his seminars. It would cost several thousand dollars just to get a ticket to see him speak for a few hours. It is not feasible to learn everything from Tony Robbins in person.

The only way to learn how to control your subconscious mind is to go inside yourself and know what you need.

Mistake #2:

You want quick results and put no action on them.

This is one of the worst mistakes you can make when it comes to controlling your subconscious mind. A lot of individuals want to lose weight, make more money and be successful. They don’t just read a few articles and feel like they are going to get results overnight. They want to change their lives fast, but they are never willing to put in the work or time for it. 

People fail with controlling their subconscious mind is because they don’t put any action into it.

I know that you are probably frustrated that you aren’t getting the results you want. You have been reading a lot and learned a good deal about controlling your subconscious mind. Maybe you bought one of the best self-improvement books available today, like The Power Of Your Subconscious Mind by Joseph Murphy. You have been reading it once or twice a day, and you don’t feel any results yet.

This is why you need to change your attitude about self-improvement and control your subconscious mind. You are looking for the easy way out, but you aren’t going to find it.

The Power Of Your Subconscious Mind was written in the 1960s. It was one of those self-improvement books that sold millions of copies back in the day. Many people made a lot of money trading these books.

One of the problems with this particular book is that it gives you a fundamental understanding of controlling your subconscious mind.

It is still a great book to read, but it doesn’t go into the depths you need to control your subconscious mind.

The main reason why I believe you aren’t getting results is that you are looking at it from the wrong perspective. 

 You shouldn’t try to understand everything in one day.

The truth of the matter is that you need to start taking action and putting it into practice. 

Use the techniques that you learn in your everyday life. You can only get better at controlling your subconscious mind by reading and learning more about it. 

Get away from this idea that you can learn everything in one day because you are taking the easy way out. It gives you hope and false beliefs that you can change your life overnight.

The best way to learn how to control your subconscious mind is to take action every single day. 

I know it is straightforward for you to sit back and read a book about controlling your subconscious mind. You are trying to learn everything right away, but you will not see the results right away. You have to understand that you will have to learn how to control your subconscious mind on your own. Don’t overthink the process because that can lead to failure. Just take action and start seeing results in your life.

There is no magic pill or secret formula when it comes to controlling your subconscious mind. You are more likely to hold it without having any struggle along the way. You need to put consistent effort into changing your life for the better every day.

The moment you stop making progress on controlling your subconscious mind is when you come across problems down the road. You can mug up information all at once, and it will be a rough go for you. 

You can’t just read this one sub conscious mind book about how to control your sub conscious mind and expect things to change in your life overnight magically. It takes time and persistence if you want to succeed in managing your subconscious mind.

The Power Of Your Subconscious Mind, written by Joseph Murphy, is an excellent start for anyone that wants to learn more about controlling their subconscious mind. This subconscious mind book has sold millions of copies over the years. You don’t have to purchase the book because it is available on the internet in PDF form for free and hardcover copies. This is a great subconscious mind book.

I hope that you have learned a lot about controlling your subconscious mind by reading this article today. If you need to know a little more about managing your subconscious mind, I suggest you check out my articles the next time.

Leave a comment on what you have learned from this article. I would love to hear about it.