The headdress of the pharaoh’s snake, the mysterious object held by the Sumerian gods, some known as Anunnakis, the pine cone on the wand of the popes, the hair of the pruned, the shape that Indians drew between two eyes, the eye of the Horus. If they were said to be all the same, What would your answer be? The pineal gland (the third eye).


The philosopher Descartes calls this object where the soul and body meet. It’s well known as the pineal gland or the third eye. It is right in the middle of our brain. Our brain is symmetrical, but only the pineal gland section falls outside of this generalization. Its size is only a few millimeters, and its name comes from the Latin word Binalis, meaning pine cone.

The structure of the pineal gland (the third eye) is almost identical to the eye. It even has retinas. And sensitive to light like the eye. But unlike the pineal gland, it can perceive light even though it is closed and in total darkness. So if someone shines a light on your back while walking in the dark, the pineal gland will perceive it.

You know, when somebody comes into your room while you are asleep and then you feel their existence. It is due to the pineal gland, our third eye, mysteriously perceiving this. Be sure. These are ordinary situations for the pineal gland.

As you all know, Horus’s eye is designed precisely in the same part as the pineal gland. It is more than a coincidence. According to the ancient Egyptians, the pineal gland is the center of divine signs through which the soul sees the unknown. For this reason, many pharaohs have depictions of the pineal gland aligned with their headdresses.


Medicine in ancient Egypt had advanced knowledge of the brain. Therefore, they were aware of the existence of this part of the brain. It is possible that when they opened the human brain, they noticed how similar this region was to the eye. But the mystery is how they realized the importance of a pineal gland, a tiny dot in this eye-shaped part of the brain. It was impossible for them to obtain information about this gland’s activity in those years. Let’s examine the reason.

Pineal Body Hormones

The pineal gland secretes three molecules. The first is melatonin. Melatonin is most secreted in the dark and can protect us against diseases. The cancer rate is six times less in countries with less sun in the world.

Because our pineal gland in those regions can secrete more melatonin hormone, and it is known that the rate of cancer in visually impaired people is 24 times less than in ordinary people. So we must nourish and protect the pineal gland well. But we live with the greatest enemy of this gland in our lives; Toothpaste.

The fluoride substance in the toothpaste causes the pineal gland to become calcified and lose its function. And this causes man to be submissive and obedient to power. The hormones secreted in the pineal gland trigger self-consciousness, self-defense, and rebellion.

During the Second World War, fluoride was used extensively in the soldiers’ food and drink to make them more obedient. Then, they thought if the soldiers obey the orders, why do we not use fluoride for people to make them compliant.

So, fluoride has been added to municipal water supply and toothpaste to make people obedient and disable the brain activities that act against injustice and evil. For this reason, many scientists warn that teeth should never be brushed before going to bed in the evenings.

Now let’s move on to the second molecule, “serotonin.” Serotonin is popularly known as the happiness hormone. But its primary function is to protect people from psychological disturbances. In other words, it is to provide the necessary functions for us to stay away from disorders such as schizophrenia, anxiety, or panic attacks.

The other hormone is the most mysterious one, DMT. DMT is known as a spirit molecule in science. It is so strange that it is most commonly released during birth and death. Some plants also have this hormone. Ayahuasca is a plant that shamans boil and drink to connect with the beyond to go into a trance containing intense DMT.

Crow cane and Uzerlik tea also secrete this hormone. We know monks consumed that beautiful tea in temples in ancient civilizations. At the same time, Mevlana has many couplets related to this tea. For example, he said, “The seed of uzerlik has covered the darkness and appeared real.” I hope we could explain why the pineal gland is perceived as the third eye with its effects. But, it is not over yet.

A Historical View of the Pineal Gland (the Third Eye)

Buddha frequently emphasized this part of the brain. Even, for this reason, his hair is depicted exactly as a pineal gland. Did you notice the point in the middle of the forehead? This point is made at the level of the pineal gland.

You can see that this tradition is common in the Far East and especially in India. In these societies, meditation, the chakras’ opening, or Astro travel are done through the pineal gland.

Let’s go back now, even from ancient Egypt to the ancient Sumerian and Assyrian civilizations. In these civilizations, the pineal gland was depicted in the gods’ hands. They are believed to have come to the world from other planets, which means hands descending from the sky, today called Anunnaki. It even seems to be held by the Assyrian king Sargon. How can such an ancient civilization have reached the information that comprehends the pineal gland? This is not known. History and science cannot yet explain how ancient civilizations could grasp the importance of this gland.

But it is not over yet!!!

Because the pineal gland resembles a pinecone, it is generally defined by the name “sacred cone” in Christianity. That’s why there is a cone statue in the Vatican. Even more impressive, you can see shapes inspired by the pineal gland on the wands used by popes for centuries.

A similar scepter was used in depictions of ancient Greek gods. There are also depictions of the pineal gland on Hitler’s desk. According to the French philosopher Descartes, this gland is the point where the soul and body meet. We think the human spirit is here.

Antic was also embarking on a posthumous journey in southern America’s civilizations in a pinecone, the pineal gland. Masons call this conical structure the light of science or the light of reason.

You can see the sculptures of this conical structure and its embroidery on the walls in important masonic lodges in Europe. As it is known, the pineal gland is most effective at night and in non-light environments because it can see and detect in the dark. For this reason, in the pyramids, which are the pharaohs’ tombs, you can often come across depictions of the pineal gland and the eye of Horus, where this gland is located.

According to the belief of Egyptian civilization, the body of the pharaoh should not see any light. That’s why they bury them in the most remote places of the pyramids. Because when it does not see the light, the third eye will be activated. In this way, the pharaoh can begin his journey to the beyond.

I just mentioned a part of the sacred cone, one of the most important discoveries of the universe. But this small part of the brain, keeping its mystery for thousands of years, and just started to be understood. However, it would remain a mystery for years how the Sumerian civilization, ancient corn, South America, primitive tribes, ancient Greeks knew the third eye.

Maybe as Descartes said, “this part is the point where body and soul meet.” Perhaps it is the Sumerians’ gateway to the universe and information from the heavens. It was taught to people by the traditions. Maybe It is the third eye of the Egyptian kings through which they saw beyond death.

Nevertheless, if there’s something we know, it carries great secrets that are more important than other parts of our body, and these secrets are a huge step in answer to the question of the existence of the human being.

