Our memory is our most significant treasure. For better mental performance and success, we need to have a robust and sharp memory.  This article will mention some scientifically proved steps to Improve Memory & Brainpower.  In the beginning, you may think that these ten steps are hard to apply and wasting time. But, by 25 % of effort and energy, you will get 75% in returns. After a couple of weeks, you will feel improvement in your performance.

chp 5 brain foods

1. Have Brain Foods

You are what you eat. The food that you eat affects your brain and body. Avocado, Blueberries, Broccoli, Eggs, Green Leafy Vegetables, Salmon, Turmeric, Walnuts, Dark Chocolate are rich in antioxidants, good fats, vitamins, and minerals. These foods vitally essential to provide energy, protect your brain, and overcome fatigue and mental fog.

All fats in our brain are Omega 3 and 6. These essential fatty acids prevent degenerative brain conditions, must come from our diets. Eating omega-rich foods like seeds, nuts, fatty fish is crucial for the maintenance of cell membranes.

Our brains only make up 2% of our body weight, but it consumes up 20% of our energy resources. So, you should get glucose regularly. Types of carbohydrates we eat affect our brains. White bread causes a repeat release of glucose into the blood, and then the level of sugar decreases dramatically.  We suggest our students have oats and grains because oats and grains release glucose slowly and eventually enable us a steady level of attentiveness.

chp 5 be positive
2. Be Positive

Negative thinking drives problems like anxiety, disorders, and depression, overeating, and problems with your temper.  Whenever you have a thought, the brain releases chemicals, and these chemicals affect your brain health and memory.

When you think angry hopeless worthless, and out-of-control thoughts, the brain releases a specific set of chemicals that weakens your memory. Whenever you feel happy, hopeful, optimistic, connected, loving, kind of thoughts, the brain releases chemicals that you feel good.

You can identify negative thoughts through observations. Your negative feelings could be past situations, could be criticizing you, putting a thing in your mind, and the current situation about the relationship. Eliminate all negative thoughts and feelings. Ignore them all.

Tell something positive to yourself to motivate and influence your mind and body. Tell yourself, “I am filled with positive thoughts. I welcome Positive in my life. Today is a new day, new opportunities. I forgive myself for past mistakes.

chp 5 exercise

3. Exercise 

Exercise has an instant effect on the brain. There is an immediately increased level of neurotransmitters like dopamine, serotonin, and noradrenalin even after the first exercise. This neurotransmitter increases your mood right after exercise.

Exercise increases your focus attention, and this focus attention lasts for 2 hours.  Regular exercise changes your brain anatomy, physiology, and function. And also, it produces new neurons in the hippocampus that increase its volume, improve your long-term memory.

Exercise has a protective effect on your brain. Exercise, for a better mood, better energy, better memory, better attention.

chp 5 sleep

4. Sleep

Sleep occupies almost 35% of our lives, but people generally give little attention and care to it. If you are preparing for an exam, do not think that sleep is a loss of time. It has a critical function. During sleep, the body balances and regulates its vital systems.

A good night’s sleep helps the pineal gland to secrete serotonin. Serotonin regulates anxiety, mood, and happiness. Low levels of this chemical, ‘serotonin,’ cause anxiety and depression.

Sleep deprivation also causes diabetes, heart arithmetic, high blood pressure. And it affects a part of the brain called the hippocampus. Hippocampus is responsible for memory, like remembering names. Sleeping is an intensely active period of restructuring that crucial for how our memory works. As an educator, we suggest our students for sleeping 7-8 hours.


chap 5 have friends

5. Have Friends

Relationships stimulate our brains; in other words, interactions with friends are the best kind of brain exercise.

Recent research reveals that friendships are vital for both emotional health and brain health. People with the most active social life experienced the slowest rate of memory decline. For students preparing for an exam, having friends is an excellent opportunity to apply the second step of the Feynman technique. You can explain to your friends what you learn.




  1. “Tips for Improving Memory Techniques,” LWTC’s TRiO Student Support Services, Lake Washington Institute of Technology, https://selkirk.ca/sites/default/files/Learning/Selkirk-College-Learning-Success-Memory-Techniques-Workshop.pdf
  2. Smith, M., Segal, J., and  Robinson, L. “How to Improve Your Memory.” HelpGuide June 2019, https://www.helpguide.org/articles/healthy-living/how-to-improve-your-memory.htm
  3. Suzuki, W. “The brain-changing benefits of exercise.” YouTube, TED, 21 Mart 2018, https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=BHY0FxzoKZE
  4. Kwik, J. “10 Keys To Unlock Optimal Brain Health (Episode 3)” YouTube, https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=OzOwBO9xLUM