Research on intermittent fasting started as early as before World War II, where they tested it on rats. But it has never really been popularized until very recently. And evidence shows that rats improved their lifespan dramatically and were less likely to develop cancer. They also found that rats brought up at intermittent fasting proved to be fine and had less body fat. But why have these impressive discoveries never been endorsed to society earlier? One reason is simply that the media and big corporations don’t want you to know this. Intermittent fasting doesn’t cost a thing in corporations find it hard to make money from it. If the food industry-endorsed intermittent fasting, it might as well run out of business.

Researchers began studying the effects on people during Ramadan’s Islamic holy month, where Muslims avoid eating from sunrise till sunset. Initially, scientists claim that moving from eating all day to narrowing the window of eating to only a few hours will cause catastrophic health problems. They predicted that people would get fat and ill from literally gorging without portion control. However, the results show the exact opposite.  They were losing fat, keeping muscle, preventing heart disease,  the risk of high blood pressure, and diabetes without any special foods.

Intermittent fasting is not a diet. You are not going to restrict your calories. You will only need to limit the time you need throughout the day. Typically to eight hours. It’s that simple. If you have your last meal around 6 pm and skip breakfast the next morning to have your first meal around 10 am. you have successfully fasted for 16 hours, leaving you with an 8-hour eating window.

16-8 fasting is simply an easy way to break down the day for fasting. You consume your entire calorie requirement within an eight-hour window. And hold off the rest of the day. So, in a nutshell, 8-16 fasting is most simply described as eating during the day and not eating at night. Sounds pretty simple, right?

What is Starvation Modes?

Starvation modes exist, but it doesn’t come into play until 72 to 96 hours after completing the last meal. That’s three to four days, not three to four hours. The reason for this all comes back to our ancestors. They had to hunt and gather food to survive. It will also take several days to do that for them. We are meant to alternate between feasting and fasting as humans, between going without food for long periods and then with huge amounts of food in a short period of time. It’s only very recently that humans have access to food all hours around the clock in your long history. And it’s also one of the reasons why so many individuals are obese and sick.

Effects of Fasting on Health.

During an eight-hour window, you consume all your calories, say 10 am to 6 pm. The rest of the time and you don’t eat or drink any calories. It’s that simple. Intermittent fasting is incredible for your health. Why? Because intermittent fasting is how your ancestors evolved to eat. Not on a precise clock but based on when they found food. It’s not like the hunter-gatherers of the past always found two eggs for breakfast after all. No, sometimes they’d have a wild boar to feast on. Other times they go days without meals. That’s how your body evolved.

We would never tell you to go days without eating without supervision. Keeping your body guessing a little is a great way to optimize your health. A recent study looked at intermittent fasting and people with type 2 diabetes. The results of the study showed a 15-pound weight loss in about three months. If you are restricting the time you’re going to eat food, you will limit the calories you eat too. It’s virtually impossible to cram a lot of calories into a small amount of time. Plus, even if your stomach growls a little bit at first, it takes some getting used to after all. Your body knows how to handle a little hunger, and you’ll be okay.

Effects of Fasting on Growth Hormone

Intermittent fasting also has an incredible impact on releasing natural human growth hormone. Human growth hormones, also known as the fitness hormone, are responsible for many benefits such as; fat loss, longevity, muscle growth, healing, anti-aging, and cell repair. And for a long time, we’ve known that we release much of our growth hormone while we sleep. This is because insulin and human growth hormones are indirectly linked.

You can’t release human growth hormone when insulin is elevated. Insulin is produced after you have a freshly eaten meal. When you sleep, you don’t consume any food, so insulin level dramatically drops, and the body releases a good amount of human growth hormone. About so special and unique with intermittent pathway, if it expanded time of fasting, which allows significant amounts to be released.

I am NOT talking about a 50 or 60 percent increase, which would also be fantastic, talking about 1300 % for women and 2000 % for men’s natural human growth hormone release. These numbers are unheard of. It’s ridiculous you might disagree with this. I think I’m going to make these numbers up. Scientific research, however, exists to back it up.

Effects of Fasting on the Brain

Another tremendous advantage that comes from intermittent fasting is the impact it has on the brain. When you’re in a fast-paced state with no glycogen, your body turns fat into energy. When this occurs, ketone bodies that the brain favors over other energy sources are released into the bloodstream. The release of ketones will increase your concentration, focus, ability to remember, reducing the risk of Alzheimer’s and Parkinson’s disease. It also increases BDNF, brain-derived neurotrophic factor, by 400%, which helps activate stem cells in your brain to make new brain cells, nerves, neurons.

Why Eight-Sixteen.

It’s not that it’s better than any of the other methods. But for a lot of people, it’s easier. Because if you can still eat lunch with your co-workers and dinner with your family, you’re less likely to feel deprived. And when you don’t feel deprived, you’re more likely to stick with the plan. That’s why we suggest you 8-16 fasting. It’s sustainable no matter what your lifestyle is.

